State regulatory Agency for Radiation and Nuclear Safety


Regulation on inspection monitoring in the field of radiation and nuclear safety

"Official Gazette B&H" No. 65/10

Regulation on notification and authorization of radiation practices

"Official Gazette B&H" No. 66/10

Regulation on radiation protection for occupational and public exposure

This regulation is transposition of Council Direcctive 96/29 EURATOM in the legal system of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

"Official Gazette B&H" No. 102/11


Regulation on the ionizing radiation protection in medical exposure

This regulation is transposition of Council Directive 97/43 EURATOM in the legal system of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

"Official Gazette B&H" No. 13/11


Regulation on categorization of radiation threats

This regulation represents categorization of radiation threats according to the IAEA recommendations.

"Official Gazette B&H" No. 102/11


Regulation on the authorization of legal persons who perform the medical examinations and the manner of conducting medical examination of persons occupationally exposed to ionizing radiation

"Official Gazette B&H" No. 25/12

This regulation is repealed.

Regulation on the control of high-activity sealed radioactive sources and orphan sources

"Official Gazette B&H" No. 62/12

Regulations on keeping records of legal persons performing activities with sources of ionizing radiation

"Official Gazette B&H" No. 67/12

Regulations on the Transport safety of radioactive material

"Official Gazette B&H" No. 96/12

Regulation on the security of nuclear material and radioactive sources

"Official Gazette B&H" No. 85/13

Regulation on recognition of the qualified expert status

"Official Gazette B&H" No. 84/14

Regulation on the monitoring of radioactivity in the environment

"Official Gazette B&H" No. 54/14

Regulation on the concentration limits for radionuclides in food, feed, medicines, items of general use, building materials, and other goods placed on the market

"Official Gazette B&H" No. 54/14

Regulation on the training in ionizing radiation protection

"Official Gazette B&H" No. 68/15

Regulation on radioactive waste management

"Official Gazette B&H" No. 68/15

Regulation on the medical surveillance of occupationally exposed workers

"Official Gazette B&H" No. 68/15

Regulation for technical services for ionizing radiation protection

"Official Gazette B&H" No. 68/15

Regulation on radiation protection officer

"Official Gazette B&H" No. 86/15

Regulation on the national register of individuals exposed to ionizing radiation

"Official Gazette B&H" No. 86/15

Regulation on radiation protection of outside workers

"Official Gazette B&H" No. 86/15

Regulation on the radiation protection and medical physics service

"Official Gazette B&H" No. 86/15

Regulation on radiological emergency events in practices involving radioactive sources

"Official Gazette B&H" No. 30/16

Regulation on requirements for the transfer and use of sources of ionising radiation

"Official Gazette B&H" No. 66/10)"